Alphabetz is a professional student migration agency based in Australia. We specialize in providing comprehensive services to international students seeking to study in Australia. Our team of experienced migration agents and education counselors are dedicated to helping students navigate the complex process of obtaining a student visa and finding the right course and institution to suit their needs.

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Sample resume for student visa Australia

Applying for a student visa to study in Australia can be a daunting task, but a well-crafted resume can help increase your chances of getting approved. In this blog post, we will provide you with a guide on how to create a resume that will catch the attention of the Australian Embassy and increase your chances of obtaining a student visa.

Scholarship in Australia

Before we dive into the specifics, it’s essential to understand the purpose of a resume in a student visa application. A resume is a summary of your qualifications, skills, experiences, and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for the course you intend to study in Australia. It serves as a snapshot of your academic and professional background and helps the Australian Embassy assess your potential as a student.

Here are some tips for creating an impressive resume for your student visa application:

Tailor your resume to the Australian job market

The Australian job market is different from other countries, and it’s essential to tailor your resume accordingly. Use Australian English spellings and focus on highlighting the skills and experiences that are relevant to the course you intend to study in Australia.

Use a professional format

Your resume should be easy to read, concise, and well-organized. Use a professional font, and make sure your resume is no more than two pages long. Include your name, contact details, education, work experience, skills, and achievements.

Highlight your academic achievements

Academic achievements are crucial in a student visa application, and you should highlight them in your resume. Include your academic qualifications, such as your high school diploma or bachelor’s degree, and any relevant courses or certificates you’ve completed.

Emphasize your work experience

If you have any relevant work experience, highlight it in your resume. This could be internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work that is related to your intended course of study. Make sure to include your job title, the name of the organization, and the dates you worked there.

Showcase your skills

Include any skills that are relevant to the course you intend to study in Australia. These could be technical skills, such as proficiency in a programming language, or soft skills, such as communication and teamwork.

Provide evidence of your achievements

Provide evidence of your achievements wherever possible. This could be in the form of awards, certificates, or references from previous employers or teachers.

Get a second opinion

Before submitting your resume, get a second opinion from a friend, family member, or professional career counselor. They may be able to provide valuable feedback and help you improve your resume.

Now that you have a general idea of what should be included in your resume let’s take a look at some sample resumes for student visa Australia:

Sample 1:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Objective: To obtain a student visa to study [course name] at [institution name] in Australia.

Education: [Degree name], [University name], [Graduation year] [High school diploma], [High school name], [Graduation year]

Work Experience: [Job title], [Organization name], [Dates worked]

  • [Bullet point 1 describing your responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Bullet point 2 describing your responsibilities and achievements]


  • [Skill 1]
  • [Skill 2]
  • [Skill 3]


  • [Award/Certificate 1]
  • [Award/Certificate 2]
  • [Reference from a previous employer/teacher]

Sample 2:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Objective: To obtain a student visa to study [course name] at [institution name] in Australia.

Education: [Degree name], [University name], [Graduation year]

Work Experience


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Safe and Welcoming Environment: Australia is known for its safe and welcoming environment, with a low crime rate and friendly locals. The country’s government invests heavily in ensuring the safety and well-being of international students, making it an ideal place to live and study.

Safe and Welcoming Environment: Australia is known for its safe and welcoming environment, with a low crime rate and friendly locals. The country’s government invests heavily in ensuring the safety and well-being of international students, making it an ideal place to live and study.

2. Focus on your academic achievements, skills, and experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the course.

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