Alphabetz is a professional student migration agency based in Australia. We specialize in providing comprehensive services to international students seeking to study in Australia. Our team of experienced migration agents and education counselors are dedicated to helping students navigate the complex process of obtaining a student visa and finding the right course and institution to suit their needs.

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Can my family work in Australia with my student visa?

As an international student studying in Australia, it is natural to want your family to join you and experience the beauty of the country together. However, there are specific regulations regarding work for family members on student visas in Australia.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that your family members, such as your spouse or children, can come with you to Australia on a student visa. However, the visa they receive will depend on your visa type, and they may not be able to work unless they meet certain criteria.

If you are studying a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD program, your family members can apply for a subclass 500 student visa. This visa allows them to live in Australia as dependents of the primary student visa holder. However, if you are studying a vocational education and training (VET) course, your family members may only be eligible for a visitor visa, which does not permit them to work in Australia.

In general, family members who come to Australia on a dependent student visa are not permitted to work. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For instance, if your spouse is eligible for a skilled work visa, they may be able to work in Australia. Additionally, if your child is over the age of 18 and studying a course that is longer than 12 months, they may be able to work part-time for up to 40 hours per fortnight.

It’s important to note that any family members who wish to work in Australia must apply for their own work visa. They cannot work on your student visa or as dependents of your student visa.

In conclusion, while it is possible for your family members to come with you to Australia on a student visa, their ability to work will depend on the type of course you are studying and their individual circumstances. It’s best to check with the Australian Department of Home Affairs or a registered migration agent to confirm the specific work rights for your family members.


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Safe and Welcoming Environment: Australia is known for its safe and welcoming environment, with a low crime rate and friendly locals. The country’s government invests heavily in ensuring the safety and well-being of international students, making it an ideal place to live and study.

Safe and Welcoming Environment: Australia is known for its safe and welcoming environment, with a low crime rate and friendly locals. The country’s government invests heavily in ensuring the safety and well-being of international students, making it an ideal place to live and study.

2. Focus on your academic achievements, skills, and experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the course.

On the other hand, if you are over 50 years of age, you may need to provide evidence of your health insurance cover as part of your visa application. This is because the Australian Government requires all student visa holders to have health insurance while they are in Australia.

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